Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Apple Fixes MobileMe Service on the Sly

Apple has gotten to the core of the problems plaguing the company's MobileMe Internet service since its July launch, and has resolved several technical glitches.

Subscribers to MobileMe have been dealing with problems since the service launched and, in an e-mail to employees just weeks after the launch, Apple CEO Steve Jobs admitted the company prematurely released the service. What MobileMe is supposed to do is keep e-mail, contacts and calendars up to date across several devices, including an iPhone, iPod touch, Mac and PC. Instead, it has been a mobile mess.

Challenges have included problems with the Reply All function, Internet Explorer 7 issues, and difficulties with keyboard shortcuts. Other challenges included using the MobileMe Calendar in Mozilla and Firefox 3, and problems with the MobileMe Gallery, where users share photos with friends and family.

Jobs, in his e-mail to employees made public, said it was not the company's finest hour, and the service needed more testing and should not have been launched at the same time as the iPhone 3G, iPhone 2.0 software, and the App Store.

Apple corrected several issues, but did so in stealth mode by not alerting its customers to the upgrade or posting any news about the update on its blog. Instead, the company issued an article about MobileMe's recent improvements and resolutions of known problems.

"Apple is always working to improve MobileMe," the company said. "Since MobileMe is primarily a server-side, or 'cloud'-based, service, the MobileMe team can make improvements and push updates to MobileMe without any action being required of MobileMe customers. Since server-side updates are a bit more innocuous than a standard software update to Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows, it's easy not to notice that updates are occurring. Usually the only hint of these updates is that things just 'work better.'"

Resolutions to Problems

Apple lists several resolutions to each MobileMe problem in the support article and points out changes made to MobileMe's calendar, contacts, gallery and mail.

Resolutions to MobileMe Mail include being able to add contacts, being able to erase a draft message after it has been sent, and fixing problems in replying to messages.

Users also benefit from better performance, according to Apple. Now users see a "loading" message instead of a blank page to show that messages are still being loaded. And performance is said to be improved when a junk-mail filter is enabled.

For MobileMe accounts, there were also some changes. The update now improves accuracy of data-transfer details, addresses an inaccuracy of used storage space in iDisk, and allows users to be fully logged out when clicking "logout."

Those who love snapping photos will be happy with MobileMe's improved viewing experience on an iPhone and iPod touch. And editing a photo's information in will now correctly update the photo on

And MobileMe users will no longer make international calls in the middle of the night, thanks to Apple improving the international time-zone handling. Other calendar changes include better performance with a large to-do list, increased performance in Mozilla Firefox 3, and better handling of reoccurring events.


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